How to Realize 100KM DWDM Network With FMT 4000E

Nowadays, DWDM technology has been one of the most commonly used technology in the optical transport network (OTN) applications due to the increasing bandwidth need of telecommunication providers. Faced with unpredictable traffic requirements and increasing bandwidth demands, FS has developed a new standardized optical transport solution, which called FMT WDM transport platform. And this FMT WDM transport platform is divided into four specific series according to different transmission distance, including CWDM solution FMT 1800, DWDM solution FMT 1600E, 4000E, 9600E. In this post, we will take FMT 4000E optical transport platform as an example to illustrate how does this transport platform realizes 100km network connections and its advantages.
What Is FMT 4000E DWDM Network Transport Platform?
As mentioned above, FMT 4000E DWDM network transport platform is one type of the FMT WDM transport platform series. This optical transport platform is a 4U managed chassis. It is equipped with 16 full-size slots and optical layer modules and a wide range of intelligent services modules can be installed in these slots. Equipped optical devices in FMT 4000E will be illustrated in detail in the following part.
Currently, FS has developed two versions of FMT 4000E, but these two versions have different transmission. One version can support 160km transmission, while another can support 100km transmission. And this post will focus on FMT 4000E for 100km. This platform can achieve 100km end-to-end dual fiber bidirectional transport and support up to 40 wavelengths from C21-C60 at 100GHz. In addition, this optical transport platform can be applied in metro/regional networks, such as CATV, FTTH/PON, xDSL triple play services, GSM/3G mobile services, business customers storage services and so on.
How Does the DWDM Network Work By Using FMT 4000E
From the above topology, we can find that the optical signal from the switch will be sent to 40CH DWDM MUX DEMUX at Site A for wavelength division multiplexing. And then the optical power will be lowered by using an optical attenuator. And the dispersion will be compensated by DCM. When this process is finished, the booster amplifier (BA) will improve the optical power and extend the transmission distance. After 100km fiber transmission, we need to amplify the signal by using the pre-amplifier (PA) and then the optical signal will be compensated by DCM again. At this time, the optical signal will be sent to 40CH DWDM MUX DEMUX at Site B for demultiplexing again. Finally, the optical signal will be sent to the switch.
Why Choose This FMT 4000E DWDM Transport Platform?
This FMT 4000E DWDM transport platform has flexible networking because it is equipped with intelligent DWDM MUX/DEMUX, integrated with DWDM EDFA and DCF-based DCM system management. This platform has high channel density because it has up to 40 DWDM channels. And this platform can achieve 100km end-to-end dual fiber bidirectional transport when the fiber link loss is 0.25dB/km and the fiber type is G.652D. In addition, this platform has monitor online management software, which can allow operators and administrators to monitor the performance of the whole network. When the urgent accident occurs, this network management system can notify the user so as to ensure the safety of the network. This system can also provide real-time management for the local and remote networks. Besides, it will send an email to inform you of the performance of the network.
This FMT 4000E optical transport platform will be a cost-effective option for l00km transmission due to its better network performance and centralized network management. And FS is always striving for meeting your specific needs and this product is customized for each customer. If you are interested in this product, please contact us via



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